

韦静,“金山学者计划“引进青年特聘教授,硕士生导师。2013年于新加坡南洋理工大学获博士学位,曾就职于新加坡膜技术中心,新加坡膜协会(MEMSIS)会员,Journal of Membrane Science、 Desalination 等高水平期刊审稿人。多年从事新型膜分离技术、水处理分离膜制备、污废水生物处理、环境功能材料及清洁能源开发方向的研究,研究成果已申请国际与国内发明专利多项。目前已在Journal of Membrane Science(IF 6.578)、Desalination(IF 6.603)等国际学术期刊发表SCI论文多篇,Web of Science总引用率900余次,参与编写膜分离技术英文论著1部,论文被ESI高被引论文收录。


















X. Zhang, J. Wei, Y. Xie, X. Liang, J. Xu, Z. Wu, Q. Yang, Impact of basalt fiber modified with ferric oxalate on microorganism adhesion behavior, Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2019, 36: (in Chinese).

J. Wei, Y. Li, L. Setiawan, R. Wang, Influence of macromolecular additive on reinforced flat-sheet thin film composite pressure-retarded osmosis membranes, Journal of Membrane Science, 511 (2016) 54-64. (IF 6.578)

Q. She, J. Wei, N. Ma, V. Sim, A.G. Fane, R. Wang, C.Y. Tang, Fabrication and characterization of fabric-reinforced pressure retarded osmosis membranes for osmotic power harvesting, Journal of Membrane Science, 504 (2016) 75-88. (IF 6.578)

Y.N. Wang, E. Järvelä, J. Wei, M. Zhang, H. Kyllönen, R. Wang, C.Y. Tang, Gypsum scaling and membrane integrity of osmotically driven membranes: The effect of membrane materials and operating conditions, Desalination, 377 (2016) 1-10. (IF 6.603)

Y. Cai, W. Shen, J. Wei, T. H. Chong, R. Wang, W. B. Krantz, A. G. Fane, X. Hu, Energy-efficient desalination by forward osmosis using responsive ionic liquid draw solutes, Environmental Science-Water Research & Technology, 1(2015) 341-347.

J. Wei, C. Qiu, Y.N. Wang, R. Wang, C.Y. Tang, Comparison of NF-like and RO-like thin film composite osmotically-driven membranes-Implications for membrane selection and process optimization, Journal of Membrane Science, 427 (2013) 460-471. (IF 6.578)

N. Ma, J. Wei, S. Qi, Y. Zhao, Y. Gao, C.Y. Tang, Nanocomposite substrates for controlling internal concentration polarization in forward osmosis membranes, Journal of Membrane Science, 441 (2013) 54-62. (IF 6.578)

Y. Gu, Y.N. Wang, J. Wei, C.Y. Tang, Organic fouling of thin-film composite polyamide and cellulose triacetate forward osmosis membranes by oppositely charged macromolecules, Water Research, 47 (2013) 1867-1874. (IF 7.051)

Y.N. Wang, J. Wei, Q. She, F. Pacheco, C.Y. Tang, Microscopic characterization of FO/PRO membranes - A comparative study of CLSM, TEM and SEM, Environmental Science and Technology, 46 (2012) 9995-10003. (IF 6.653)

N. Ma, J. Wei, R. Liao, C.Y. Tang, Zeolite-polyamide thin film nanocomposite membranes: Towards enhanced performance for forward osmosis, Journal of Membrane Science, 405-406 (2012) 149-157. (IF 6.578)

J. Wei, X. Liu, C. Qiu, R. Wang, C.Y. Tang, Influence of monomer concentrations on the performance of polyamide-based thin film composite forward osmosis membranes, Journal of Membrane Science, 381 (2011) 110-117. (IF 6.578)

J. Wei, C. Qiu, C.Y. Tang, R. Wang, A.G. Fane, Synthesis and characterization of flat-sheet thin film composite forward osmosis membranes, Journal of Membrane Science, 372 (2011) 292-302. (IF 6.578ESI 高被引论文)


J. Wei, C.Y. Tang, Modeling of Forward Osmosis Processes, in Forward Osmosis: Fundamentals and Applications, American Society of Civil Engineers, 2015.


C.Y. Tang, C. Qiu, J. Wei, R. Wang, A.G. Fane. A Forward osmosis membrane and method of forming a forward osmosis membrane.

C.Y. Tang, Q. She, N. Ma, J. Wei, V.S.T. Sim, A.G. Fane. Reinforced membranes for producing osmotic power in pressure retarded osmosis.