










2008.09-2011.06 海南师范大学生态学专业硕士

2011.09-2014.12 87978797威尼斯老品牌环境工程专业博士









3.87978797威尼斯老品牌高级人才启动基金,15JDG032,植物激素GA、SA对入侵克隆植物响应病原真菌的调控,2015.07-2018.07, 5万,在研,主持。



  1. Qi Shan-Shan, Liu Yan-Jie, Dai Zhi-Cong, Wan Ling-Yun, Du Dao-Lin, Ju Rui-Ting, Justin SH Wan, Stephen P. Bonser. 2019. Allelopathy confers an invasive Wedelia higher resistance to generalist herbivore and pathogen enemies over its native congener.Oecologia. (Accepted).

  2. Qi Shan-Shan, Dai Zhi-Cong, Miao Shi-Li, Zhai De-Li, Si Chun-Can, Huang Ping, Wang Rui-Ping, Du Dao-Lin. 2014. Light limitation and litter of an invasive clonal plant, Wedelia trilobata, inhibit its seedling recruitment. Annals of Botany. 114: 425-433.

  3. Qi Shan-Shan, Dai Zhi-Cong, Zhai De-Li, Chen Si-Chong, Si Chun-Can, Huang Ping, Wang Rui-Ping, Zhong Qiong-Xin, Du Dao-Lin. 2014. Curvilinear effects of invasive plants on plant diversity: plant community invaded by Sphagneticola trilobata. PloS ONE. 9(11): e113964.

  4. Hai-Yan Zhang,Shan-Shan Qi*(通讯), Zhi-Cong Dai, Zhang Min, Sun Jian-Fan, Du Dao-Lin*. 2017. Allelopathic potential of flavonoids identified from invasive plant Conyza canadensis on Agrostis stolonifera and Lactuca sativa. Allelopathy Journal. 41 (2): 223-238.

  5. Dai Zhi-Cong, Wang Xiao-Ying,Qi Shan-Shan*(通讯), Cai Hong-Hong, Sun Jian-Fan, Huang Ping, Du Dao-Lin*. 2016. Effects of leaf litter on inter-specific competitive ability of the invasive plant Wedelia trilobata. Ecological Research. 31, 367–374.

  6. Dai Zhi-Cong, Fu Wei, Wan Lin-Yun, Cai Hong-Hong, Wang Ning,Qi Shan-Shan*(通讯)and Du Dao-Lin*. 2016. Different growth promoting effects of endophytic bacteria on invasive and native clonal plants. Frontiers in Plant Science. 7:706.

  7. Dai Zhi-Cong,Qi Shan-Shan*(通讯), Miao Shi-Li, Liu Yong-Tao, Tian Yuan-Fei, Zhai De-Li, Huang Ping, Du Dao-Lin. 2015. Isolation of NBS-LRR RGAs from invasive Wedelia trilobata and the calculation of evolutionary rates to understand bioinvasion from a molecular evolution perspective. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 61, 19–27.

  8. Bharani Manoharan,Shan-Shan Qi, Vignesh Dhandapani, Qi Chen, Susan Rutherford, Justin SH Wan, Sridharan Jegadeesan, Hong-Yu Yang, Qin Li, Jian, Li, Zhi-Cong Dai*, Dao-Lin Du*. 2019. Gene expression profiling reveals enhanced defense responses in an invasive weed compared to its native congener during pathogenesis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 20, 4916.

  9. Qi Chen, Wen-Wen Wu,Shan-Shan Qi, Hao Cheng, Qin Li, Qiong Ran, Zhi-Cong Dai, Dao-Lin Du, Suhelen Egan, Torsten Thomas. 2019. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi improve the growth and disease resistance of the invasive plant Wedelia trilobata. Journal of Applied Microbiology. (online)

  10. Ling-Yun Wan,Shan-Shan Qi, Chris B. Zou, Zhi-Cong Dai, Bin Zhu, Yi-Ge Song, Dao-Lin Du. 2018. Phosphorus addition reduces the competitive ability of the invasive weed Solidago canadensis under high nitrogen conditions. Flora. 240: 68-75.

  11. Lin-Yun Wan,Shan-Shan Qi, Zhi-Cong Dai, Chris B. Zou, Yi-Ge Song, Zhi-Yuan Hu, Bin Zhu, Dao-Lin Du*. 2017. Growth responses of Canada goldenrod (Solidago canadensis L.) to increased nitrogen supply correlate with bioavailability of insoluble phosphorus source. Ecological Research. 1: 261-269.

  12. Lin-Yun Wan, Kai Huang, Zhi-Yuan Hu, Shi-Li Miao,Shan-Shan Qi, Zhi-Cong Dai, Wen-Hua You, Dao-Lin Du. 2017. Clonal Integration is Beneficial for Resource Sharing in a Creeping Amphibian Herb (Alternanthera philoxeroides). Folia Geobotanica.

  13. Zhi-Cong Dai, Wei Fu,Shan-Shan Qi, De-Li Zhai, Si-Chong Chen, Ling-Yun Wan, Ping Huang, Dao-Lin Du. 2016. Different Responses of an Invasive Clonal Plant Wedelia trilobata and its Native Congener to Gibberellin: Implications for Biological Invasion. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 42(2):85-94.

  14. Si Chun-Can, Dai Zhi-Cong, Lin Ying,Qi Shan-Shan, Huang Ping, Miao Shi-Li, Du Dao-Lin. 2014. Local adaptation and phenotypic plasticity both occurred in Wedelia trilobata invasion across a tropical island. Biological Invasions. 16, 2323–2337.

  15. Dai Zhi-Cong, Si Chun-Can, Zhai De-Li, Huang Ping,Qi Shan-Shan, Zhong Qiong-Xin, Hu Xu, Li Hua-Ming, Du Dao-Lin. 2013. Human impacts on genetic diversity and differentiation in six natural populations of Madhuca hainanensis, an endemic and endangered timber species in China. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 50, 212–219.

  16. 祁珊珊,吴俊,陈琪,黄凯,李健,戴志聪,杜道林. 2017.克隆整合在空心莲子草抗病原真菌中的作用.生态环境学报, 2017,26(5): 729-734.


    1.祁珊珊,戴志聪,陈琪,王宁,付伟,宋由页,黄凯,杜道林.入侵杂草南美蟛蜞菊在杀灭斜纹夜蛾幼虫中的应用. (ZL 201610256321.7)

    2.祁珊珊,王莉莉,戴志聪,杨冉,杨淞惠,黄萍,杜道林.一种南美蟛蜞菊体外快繁的两步法. (ZL201310014385.2)

    3.戴志聪,付伟,祁珊珊,王晓莹,蔡红红,肖翔,杜道林.一种快速鉴定产生长素的植物内生细菌的方法(ZL 201510211652.4)

    4.杜道林,祁珊珊,林英,宋经元,杨冬华,王有生,魏建和.海南粗榧种子种苗快速高效繁育方法. (200910184207.8)

    5.杜道林,祁珊珊,戴志聪,宋经元,杨冬华,王有生,魏建和.海南粗榧种子快速高效萌发和培育优质种苗的方法. (200910184213.3)

    6.杜道林,祁珊珊,司春灿,宋经元,甘炳春,王有生,魏建和.海南粗榧种胚培养育苗方法. (ZL200910184212.9)

    7.杜道林,祁珊珊,林英,宋经元,杨冬华,王有生,魏建和.一种海南粗榧的规范化种植方法. (ZL201010123924.2)


    9.杜道林,戴志聪,祁珊珊,宋经元,符文英,王有生,魏建和.海南粗榧细胞培养生产抗癌生物碱的方法.(ZL200910184210. X)