
时间:2024-02-21  来源:  作者:   点击数:










(1) Zhiliang Li, Yi Qiu, et al., Application of apatite particles for remediation of contaminated soil and groundwater: A review and perspectives. Science of The Total Environment. 904(2023)166918.

(2) Zhiliang Li, Yanyan Gong, et al., Field assessment of carboxymethyl cellulose bridged chlorapatite microparticles for immobilization of lead in soil: Effectiveness, long-term stability, and mechanism. Science of The Total Environment. 781(2021)146757.

(3) Zhiliang Li, Yanyan Gong, et al., Simultaneous immobilization of multi-metals in a field contaminated acidic soil using carboxymethyl-cellulose-bridged nano-chlorapatite and calcium oxide. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 407(2021)124786.

(4) Zhiliang Li, Yanyan Gong, et al., Enhanced removal of zinc and cadmium from water using carboxymethyl cellulose-bridged chlorapatite nanoparticles. Chemosphere. 263(2021)128038.

(5) Zhiliang Li, Yanyan Gong, et al., Evaluation of three common alkaline agents for immobilization of multi-metals in a field-contaminated acidic soil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 28(2021):60765-60777.

(6) Zhiliang Li, Shengke Yang, et al., Performance evaluation of treating oil-containing restaurant wastewater in microbial fuel cell using in situ graphene/polyaniline modified titanium oxide anode. Environmental Technology. 2020, 41(4): 420-429.

(7) Zhiliang Li, Shengke Yang, et al., In-situ modified titanium suboxides with polyaniline/graphene as anode to enhance biovoltage production of microbial fuel cell. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 44(2019): 6862-6870.




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